I feel like I've regressed with regards to my face. Actually "feel" is a funny word to use because my poor upper lip is completely numb. I went into the dentist concerned about the cost, since I was thinking they'd fix it up for me forever and that's got to cost something right? I was so naive. Forget the money, this tooth is going to be a pain forever. Not in pain forever, but fillings like the one I have now (only set me back forty nine quid but oh man it hurt) are only guaranteed to last two months (what's this crunchy bit in my chicken? oh crap), and after that I read they can last up to fifteen years if it's just a small one in a molar somewhere and the person only eats yoghurt...!! The dentist I went to today, she did a really good job of making it look and feel like a tooth, unlike the last one who - though he was nice - made it look and feel like a rock solid swirly meringue complete with spiky tip (which I filed down myself because I'm like that). So should I consider a crown? We'll see.
The other very encouraging warning I came away with was that because because it broke so close to a nerve, and she meant really, really close; if there are problems (i.e., the nerve dying) I may need a root filling. AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Noses fix themselves and skin grows back. Not teeth. Nope. I wish I had never fallen down those stupid steps. The only good that will come of it as far as I can see is "Oh this photo must be before England because of my teeth."
Right now, to make myself feel better, I'm listening to Vampire Weekend (Unbelievers over and over) and browsing a craft supplies website. It's working! You know you miss home when you're Jess Hunt and sometimes catch yourself considering a Facebook account. Hah, that'll be the day.
Hmm, now that Grandma is looking after my car I think it will be my principles that will be the death of me...