(I'm currently redesigning the blog, as I do often; and I'm stuck on a background & theme. Watch this space for a better... look.)

Monday, 8 April 2013

First Happenings

Dear family and friends,
Yes, it's happening, I'm finally going to the United Kingdom. I've got a placement with a lovely family in London and will stay there for at least one year, but my visa will last two so it could be a while before I'm barefoot under the Hills Hoist again.

My goodness, it's so effortless to type yet such a huge life event (excuse the Facebookism)! Ah, there we go, mentioning it in the first post. I'm afraid I won't be using it again while I'm away, so everything I do (!!) will be updated here. Of course I will have email and Skype, and Viber if you're super savvy, and would love to receive any kind of messages and news from home... "Hi Jess, we watched Downton Abbey today and thought of you." Admittedly, that would be slightly tacky but still sweet.

It's hard to say exactly when I'll be leaving; I'm hoping for late April / early May. Stay tuned..
I hope I can get a chance to say my proper goodbyes, but if not - don't lose touch!

Thanks for reading.

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