(I'm currently redesigning the blog, as I do often; and I'm stuck on a background & theme. Watch this space for a better... look.)

Thursday, 21 November 2013


It's that time again! Now that I'm back in England I am free to write... freely. Well I guess I could have done a couple of happy holiday posts while I was in Australia, but I was having too much of a nice time! Besides which I had nothing to whinge about...

Flying is awful. I do not enjoy it. Whilst I loved every minute of being back home (that word takes on a whole new meaning when you plant roots elsewhere) I will not be popping back on a whim again. (No more weddings! Though to UneChurch that's like saying "no more tea and coffee.") England will be home for quite a while yet methinks, and the next time I catch a plane will be for a decisive move or some such thing. I know I'm not a city girl and couldn't live in London forever. That brings sadness, of course, because I've invested here; but it doesn't make me wish I'd never come. I love London and it is actually home, for now.

This is the part where I didn't have any more words at the time, so I went and did something else for a while and now I've come back hoping to finish it off but I still lack ideas so I will just sign off and wait until I've had a more decent amount of sleep to make up for the not-so-decent amount of the last two days.

I should just say that I love my family a lot, and it was great to see them and be at home like normal. Skype and email has been so great - it meant we were all caught up and could just be together. The wedding and catch-up party weekend was intense and I was completely exhausted by the end, but it was lovely at the same time. The wedding was wonderful, of course.

Oh dear. I shouldn't have sat down again in this comfy chair. I need to go for a run or something... MUST PUSH THROUGH till night to DEFEAT the jet lag... AAaaaaaaaa

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