(I'm currently redesigning the blog, as I do often; and I'm stuck on a background & theme. Watch this space for a better... look.)

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Things To Do

Since I turned 21 I've felt the presence of a dangerous and daring task looming overhead, and today I thought to myself I ought to uncover the sacred commandments to remind myself... What I had forgotten was that there was a time limit. I have less than three months to accomplish this mission appointed to me by my dear friends back in Australia... details as follows:

Things To Do When You're 21
1. Cartwheel down a hill
2. Make a prank call pretending you are a telemarketer
3. Sing "Call Me Maybe" in a public place
4. Eat a Mars Bar sandwich
5. Get a fake tattoo and wear it on your knee
6. Get a cheap canvas and create a self portrait
7. Insert "Today I put a raisin up my nose" in a blog post
8. Trace around your hand, write your name in it, then walk up to a stranger, give it to them and say "This is a high 5!"
9. Talk in a thick English accent for a whole day (or as long as you can)
10. Memorise Psalm 25
11. Go 3 three days in a row without the internet
12. Find something outside (eg. rock) and paint it green with a black smiley face :)
13. Pick/buy a flower for a stranger
14. Listen to "I'm Bringing Sexy Back" every day for a week
15. Take a selfie in a public place, with your tongue out.
16. Write a song (and record it)
17. Write a note and put it in a bottle
18. Make a white shirt with a tea cup on it and Skype Sarah whilst wearing it
19. Find 3 different things to be thankful for each day
20. Eat a teaspoon of cinnamon
21. Complete scavenger hunt attached

Scavenger Hunt: (we shall call them 1b etc.)
1b. A photo of a favourite new food you've had overseas
2b. Write a letter to yourself saying how you honestly feel about life, God, friends, family etc.
3b. A small souvenir from a tourist shop
4b. A coin that you found
5b. A photo with a new friend
6b. A shoelace
7b. A sticker that captures your personality
8b. Something green
9b. Something that makes you laugh
10b. A drawing of something you will miss

I'm tempted to declare that 7 is technically completed, but I know that's not the true spirit of the quest. The problem is, I don't want to allow any lies onto this blog so I'm actually going to have to put a raisin up my nose. Or get someone else to, and then tell me about it so I can write about it. Or, I could always stick the words "Imagine if"in front...

9 may actually happen some time soon. I wouldn't say mine is thick, but I've definitely got one.

13 has been done recently - I picked a flower and when my friend didn't want it I gave it to a little toddler who smiled shyly and walked away. But I could do it again.

18 has context, which makes me smile.

19 is a bit of a problem - I've kind of started a bit late. But I'm gonna need to have 1,095 things by the time I'm 22. It's definitely doable though.

And 21 should be fun! 7b is gonna be tricky.

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