You'll be pleased to know that we're enjoying some lovely freezing grey weather and that it rained all of yesterday. On the way home from the school drop off I took a peek up the river behind the house and here are some photos -

Beautiful, huh. Nettles, ivy, brambles, grey sky, wet grass. I hope there's sunny day soon to go out again. Apparently if you walk further out it becomes fields. I must definitely be in the best part of London.. for a country kid. (I couldn't bring myself to write 'gal,' I hate that word).
You know one thing I find hard to do? Lip-read. Different accents are fine enough to understand if you can hear them but not if there's no sound. Just an interesting part of adjusting.
Funny words? Yoghurt - pronounced like bog-ert (if that were a word); privacy - the 'i' is like is snip; singlets are called vests and one of the kids mentioned flip flops the other day so I better be careful with that one. Is their word the same as America I wonder? The milk, I noticed, comes in 4 pint bottles (a little over 2L). What I would call corn (or corn on the cob) is called sweet corn, but maybe that's not just Britain. The kids watched some Top Gear this morning and the theme music actually made me smile even though at home I would have groaned since Seamus watches it all the time. I'm thinking about cooking scones this morning but that could be kind of... pretentious? (Thanks for your word Izzy). Seeing new birds was exciting, and they sing from sunrise even when it's cold. But all in all it's a similar place - there are people who walk to school (in coats), ride bikes, drive cars, go to the park. The gardens are just lovely - tulips, bluebells, other plants that probably each have a name as well... Everything is so green. SO green. But I'm comparing it to Autumn in Armidale where there's been no rain for ages and all the flowers are dead.
And now I am most definitely rambling. Hope you liked the photos!
Love the pics Jess, definitely does not look like you're in London! Some more funny words to listen out for: vitamins (same 'i' as privacy) and pants (that's what they call undies - can definitely create some funny moments!)