On Monday afternoon I was sewing up my Avengers pyjama pants when my mum came running back from the mailbox with a parcel in hand -
My visa had arrived.
The last few days have been back and forth with my flight agency and in and out with boxes of recycling from my room (it's embarrassing, you know, I kept every single exercise book from school. Still couldn't throw out primary school ones and for some reason any of my english books. Except from the HSC).
But finally a flight is sorted as well.
I'm departing on Saturday morning, but I want to be safe so I'm heading south tomorrow afternoon and staying with family both nights. I've said so many goodbyes now but I know there are people I've missed. If that's you, I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye in person but I'm not intending to be gone forever. I'll be back at least to visit within a year.
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