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Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Pigeon "rescue"

Folk I've met at church are really into The Cat Empire (a band from Melbourne - they had some Australian friends), and so I'm listening to the new album. It's good. Also, I'm not sure why my post on Portobello Road disappeared but I don't want to write it again so I'm sorry about that.

Well yesterday I went outside to water the garden, and saw a pigeon sitting in a pot plant. It was quite injured and could only walk. I called the RSPCA, they said take it to the local vet, so Little Miss and I herded him into a box and walked off down the road... The vet look one look and said "Oh geez." and then, "yep we're going to put him to sleep" (sensitively of course because of the four year old). I'm not sure how much she understood of what happened, but from the start I made it very clear that we would not keep it and we wouldn't see it again after we took it to the vet because they could take care of it. When she asked about it later that afternoon I said it had to go to sleep because it was in too much pain. I don't know how much we ought to talk about death. She knows that Aslan dies but comes back to life. She knows that flies die and yesterday morning when she asked what butterflies & bats turn into I said "nothing, they just die." I do fast forward the killing & battle scenes in Narnia though because there's knowledge and there's over exposure I guess.
She's a very bright young thing, my Little Miss

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