Well I've spent a beautiful day starting with church, following on with a church barbeque which I was kindly & spontaneously invited to, finishing with church in the evening. Right now I'm in the park killing time before hand but I prefer to do that than go home and turn around again. It's such a sunny day - I GOT SUNBURNT! Not proud but very pleased with the weather.
This church is unlike St Marks in that the services are not considered separate congregations or even separate churches, but the evening is more of an add-on for those wanting a slightly less formal and organy do, hence it's a wee bit smaller.
I've been Christened 'Jesso' after admitting that some people back home do in fact call me that. Introducing the word 'bogan' caused a huge sensation, but 'wife beater' didn't really compute. I can't believe so many people here watch Neighbours. 'What? No badgers?' 'The mullet, that's an Australian hairdo right?' 'Have you eaten kangaroo?' I could say yes to that last one happily.
Oh I still have to write a post about my Tower Hill explorations yesterday. For now here's a picture of something yummy I have not seen in Australia - it looks like an ordinary Snickers bar but it's ice cream!!
Hah, so Mum thinks that Snickers ice cream bars are in Australia. Perhaps not in Armidale though. She was more embarrassed than I am...